Food Safety Management


To compete in the Food Industry, demonstrating the Safety and Quality of your products is critical. Certification to Food Safety standards by WECERT enables you to meet regulatory requirements and consumer expectations.

Today’s consumers and regulators want to know where food comes from, what it is made of and how it is processed. However, increasingly global, complex supply chains and ever-evolving industrial processes and regulatory frameworks make the challenge more difficult than ever.

WECERT supports players across the food industry in meeting these challenges with our range of certification and auditing services. Our certification enables you to meet the highest safety and quality standards, gain access to international markets and fulfill your regulatory requirements.


  • (ISO 22000)

    The ISO 22000 standard is compatible and harmonized with other international management system standards, including ISO 9001. It is ideal for integration with existing management systems and processes.

    ISO 22000 is applicable to all organizations directly or indirectly involved in the food value chain. This includes producers of packaging or detergents, suppliers of cleaning services, pest control, or industrial laundry services. It allows assessment and demonstrates conformity of the product in relation to food safety and control of food safety hazards.

  • (CXC 1-1969 Rev. 4 (2003))

    Certification of your food safety management system as being in line with HACCP principles demonstrates your commitment to consistency, continual improvement and customer safety and satisfaction. These are tangible business benefits that play an important part in building resilience and sustainable business performance. The HACCP methodology is a structured, preventive approach to food safety that optimizes efforts to provide the consumer with safe food. It is mandatory in several countries, including the UAE, US and within the EU.