ISO 22483

Tourism and related services — Hotels Certification

One of the first challenges that tourists encounter while planning a trip is deciding where to stay, and hotels are the most common option. ISO 22483:2020 provides a common and attainable reference for all hotels in terms of quality service provision, and was developed with the various types of hotels around the world in mind, as well as existing categorization systems, business models, sizes, and services offered, as well as current guest demands and global trends.

At the time when the entire world started battling COVID-19 pandemic and the global hotel industry entered into its worst phase, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published in April 2020 the first edition of ISO 22483:2020 Tourism and related services — Hotels — Service requirements. Although it was just a coincidence, because the standard development process was started much before the pandemic haunted the world, the publication of this new standard is definitely a good sign for the entire community of tourists and hoteliers.

Hotel Services covered in ISO 22483

This standard covers the following services mainly offered by hotels to the guests/tourists or consumers of hotel services:

  • Front desk – Reservation, Check-in, Check-out, Luggage handling, VIP services.
  • Accommodation – Rooms with amenities.
  • Food & beverages.
  • Pools, Sauna/ Spa, etc.
  • Events – Organization & management.
  • Entertainment.
  • Ancillary services, e.g. hairdresser, gymnasium, business centre.

How ISO 22483 certification can help hotels?

ISO 22483:2020 certification will be beneficial for all sizes and types of hotels. Therefore we recommend that all hotels should appoint a personnel, who has taken ISO 22483 auditor training before gaining this certification as it will help them to:

  • Demonstrate enhanced quality of services provided to guests, including cleanliness and hygiene levels.
  • Increase the hotel’s credibility; regarding claims about the services offered.
  • Increase online visibility of the hotel.
  • Attract global tourists and travelers.
  • Increase brand reputation and market value.
  • Increase revenue and profitability; increased number of guests will increase revenue; on the other side reduction in waste and cost saving increases overall profitability.
  • Increase acceptability of hotel services by regulatory authorities, including food safety authority, fire safety authority and municipal and civil administration.

Benefits of ISO 22483 implementation

Among the numerous benefits of implementing ISO 22483 requirements, some key benefits are listed below:

  • Improves guest services right from reservation to checkout.
  • Improves cleanliness, hygiene and food safety, which is most crucial from the COVID-19 point of view.
  • Better organization and management of events for guests.
  • Helps to offer structured and planned entertainment activities for the guests.
  • Promotes risk and accident prevention in the hotel.
  • Improves safety and security of guests, staff and premises.
  • Helps to enhance facilities and amenities provided to guests.
  • Helps in supply management – establishing internal requirements for purchasing products, helps hotels in identification, selection purchase and evaluation of products to be purchased; selection and evaluation of supplier’s become easier.
  • Improves overall experience of the guests and their satisfaction level.
  • Improves communication with guests and develops long-lasting relationships. Repeated visits by guest is possible.
  • Helps to reduce wastage of resources (both by guests and staff) and thus saves money. It is a commonly observed trend that satisfied guests generally don’t waste resources including water, electricity and food, beverages and complementary services. They also cooperate in housekeeping. Staff training also helps to reduce wastage.
  • Increases bookings and revenue – a good management system improves overall number of bookings, reduces cancellations, refunds and thereby increases revenue.
  • Increases business sustainability of hotels.

Global recognition as a reputable supplier

Certification is recognized internationally and accepted throughout industry supply chains, setting industry benchmarks for sourcing suppliers.

Win more business

Procurement specifications often require certification as a condition to supply, so certification and verification opens doors

Business resilience

Avoid downtime and financial losses with effective management of risk, emergency preparedness and contingency planning.

Legal Compliance

Understand how statutory and regulatory requirements impact your organization and its customers.

What is ISO 22483?

ISO 22483 is an international quality standard for hotel services. This standard covers the quality management of entire hotel services. The aim of this standard is to ensure that hotels offer a satisfactory guest experience. The ISO 22483 standard provides a framework for providing the minimum quality service expected by global tourists. It provides a common and achievable reference for all hotels in terms of quality service provision. It sets out requirements and recommendations for staff, services, cleanliness, maintenance, safety and security, events, entertainment activities, guest satisfaction and supply management of hotels.