Health and Safety System Manager
Training Course
This course is designed to give an in-depth examination of the requirements of ISO 14001 and how an enviornmental management system can be implemented and managed. The course will also provide an insight into the role of the Environmental Systems Manager and the opportunity to begin developing the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role effectively.
The course is delivered by experienced tutors who are experts in environmental management, and who also carry out regular third-party audits for a range of clients to maintain current industry knowledge.
Course Type
Who should attend?
What will you learn?
What do you need to prepare
Course Length
What is included

This WECERT‘s training course satisfies the formal training requirements stipulated by the Exemplar Global.
Exemplar Global certified training is mapped to a unique competency framework based on the latest skills needed by employers. As an Approved Training Partner, WECERT has been thoroughly assessed to ensure the highest standards.
Interested in future development
if you are interested in developing your competence within this field you may participate in the following training course and achieve more competence
Course Type
One of the first challenges that tourists encounter while planning a trip is deciding where to stay, and hotels are the most common option. ISO 22483:2020 provides a common and attainable reference for all hotels in terms of quality service provision, and was developed with the various types of hotels around the world in mind, as well as existing categorization systems, business models, sizes, and services offered, as well as current guest demands and global trends.
ISO 22483 was created as a tool for providing a positive visitor experience, increasing direct and indirect guest loyalty, and assuring the necessary framework for providing the minimal level of service required by a seasoned international traveler.
Course Type
More and more companies are undertaking carbon management strategies, and corporate or product carbon footprints are a common first step. Carbon footprinting can be pursued for different purposes, fulfill different needs, and be characterized by very different levels of effort and financial costs. The challenge facing companies is to generate quality footprints that meet today’s needs as cost-effectively as possible, while anticipating future needs for footprinting information.
Course Type
Certification of your food safety management system as being in line with HACCP principles demonstrates your commitment to consistency, continual improvement and customer safety and satisfaction. These are tangible business benefits that play an important part in building resilience and sustainable business performance. The HACCP methodology is a structured, preventive approach to food safety that optimizes efforts to provide the consumer with safe food. It is mandatory in several countries, including the UAE, US and within the EU.
Course Type
HSE management system certification ensures safe workplaces and the efficient use of resources. A certified system supports your efforts to maintain a strong, consistent workforce and an effective, sustainable energy policy making your company more competitive and increasingly profitable.
Course Type
Companies in today’s global economy, no matter their size or industry, depend more and more on technology to promote and deliver their products to the market. This is complicated further by the fast-paced changes in technology. Whether you are an IT outsourcing firm, or a company depending on IT for its back-end and front-end processes, continuously improving the quality of your IT Service Management System with ISO 20000 certification from a trustworthy, independent certification body is essential. And with more and more companies requiring ISO/IEC 20000-1 certification as a prerequisite to signing deals, it is fast becoming obligatory.