Health and Safety System Manager
Training Course
This course is designed to give an in-depth examination of the requirements of ISO 14001 and how an enviornmental management system can be implemented and managed. The course will also provide an insight into the role of the Environmental Systems Manager and the opportunity to begin developing the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role effectively.
The course is delivered by experienced tutors who are experts in environmental management, and who also carry out regular third-party audits for a range of clients to maintain current industry knowledge.
Course Type
Who should attend?
What will you learn?
What do you need to prepare
Course Length
What is included

This WECERT‘s training course satisfies the formal training requirements stipulated by the Exemplar Global.
Exemplar Global certified training is mapped to a unique competency framework based on the latest skills needed by employers. As an Approved Training Partner, WECERT has been thoroughly assessed to ensure the highest standards.
Interested in future development
if you are interested in developing your competence within this field you may participate in the following training course and achieve more competence
Course Type
Many companies have a Code of Conduct in place that specifies the ethics, values and behavior a company expects of its employees and suppliers. Dedicated Code of Conduct audits assess performance across your business, helping you send a strong signal to stakeholders that you take compliance seriously.
Course Type
The economic importance of product warranties/guarantees is to provide protection against unsatisfactory performance of products. They state that products meet a level of quality and performance that would be reasonable to expect, given their price and description. Traditionally, warranties and guarantees provide less than full insurance by manufacturers and/or suppliers against faulty products and this serves as risk-sharing between consumers, manufacturers and/or suppliers.