ISO 14001

Environmental Management System Certification

Improve environmental performance and meet policy commitments and objectives.

Reducing Environmental impacts and ensuring meeting legal requirements

Certification of your environmental management system demonstrates increased awareness of sustainable development and gives environmentally credible companies a competitive edge in national and international markets.
ISO 14001 provides a clear management framework to reduce your environmental impacts and to ensure you meet legal requirements and build stakeholder trust. The standard provides your organization with a systematic approach to planning, implementing and managing an environmental management system.

ISO 14001 certification can help your organization achieve its environmental management objectives by increasing operational control and better integrating environmental considerations into business strategy. Environmental Management System audits can help your organization gain a competitive advantage and enhance its reputation by improving the environmental impact of all areas of business.

Benefits of becoming certified

The potential benefits of ISO 14001 are numerous, but the most significant and tangible ones are that the standard enables your organisation to:

  • Build and operate an environmental management system within a well-defined and clear framework, which at the same time is flexible to your own business needs and expectations.
  • Provide a tool for environmental performance improvement and the means to effectively monitor and measure environmental performance.
  • Facilitate reductions in pollution, waste generation and unintended discharges to the environment. This includes impacts related to the product, taking into consideration a life cycle perspective.
  • Improve your resource management, including use of energy, which also may imply a reduction in the cost of running your business.
  • Better meet environmental legal compliance and corporate requirements.

Improved environmental management

Reduce your resource use, improve the overall efficiency of your business and keep the larger impact of your operations to an absolute minimum.

Reduced operating costs

Achieving efficiencies in energy and water usage and through waste minimization means money saved.

Improved stakeholder relationships

If you are attempting to expand your business into new territories, certification is the best way to demonstrate to potential customers that you’re taking proactive steps to be responsible.

Legal Compliance

Understand how statutory and regulatory requirements impact your organization and its customers.

What is ISO 14001 ?

ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management systems (EMS) and the most widely used EMS in the world, with over 360,000 ISO 14001 certificates issued globally.
ISO 14001 is the principal management system standard which specifies the requirements for the formulation and maintenance of an EMS. This helps to control your environmental aspects, reduce impacts and ensure legal compliance.


Step 1

Complete a Quote Request Form so that we can understand your company and requirements. You can do this by completing either the online quick quote or the online formal quote request form. We will use this information to accurately define your scope of assessment and provide you with a proposal for certification.


Step 2

Once you’ve agreed your proposal, we will contact you to book your assessment with an WECERT Assessor. This assessment consists of two mandatory visits that form the Initial Certification Audit. Please note that you must be able to demonstrate that your management system has been fully operational for a minimum of three months and has been subject to a management review and full cycle of internal audits.


Step 3

Following a successful two stage audit, a certification decision is made and if positive, then certification to the required standard is issued by WECERT. You will receive both a hard and soft copy of the certificate. Certification is valid for three years and is maintained through a programme of annual surveillance audits and a three yearly recertification audit.

Related Training Course

  • Environmental System Manager

    Course Type

    Classroom In-house

    This 3 day course outlines ISO 14001 requirements training course, how to develop environmental policies and objectives, and how to develop a review process for continual improvement.

  • EMS (ISO 14001:2015) Internal Auditor

    Course Type

    Classroom In-house

    Attending this two day internal auditor course enables you to demonstrate you have the necessary skills to conduct internal audits against ISO 9001:2015 requirements

  • EMS (ISO 14001:2015) Auditor / Lead Auditor

    Course Type

    Virtual Classroom In-house

    Our two-day training course is for Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001) internal auditors and those wanting to know and have deeper knowledge about the benefits and methods of implementing EMS.

  • Introduction to ISO 14001

    Course Type

    eLearning Virtual Classroom In-house

    This one day training course outlines ISO 14001 principals and requirements, the importance and relevance of the environmental legislation, and the value an effective EMS can bring to your business.