Operating Management System Framework – OGP Report No. 510

Health, safety & Environment Certification

The natural gas and oil industry’s commitment to excellence in workplace safety. Workplace safety covers a large and varied set of procedures, conditions and environments, from personal safety, which protects the individual worker, to operational and process safety, which focuses on the equipment and procedures that keep hydrocarbons and other hazardous materials properly contained.


Secure employees’ safety and reduce workplace OH&S risks

Personal safety and process safety work hand-in-hand to ensure responsible development of natural gas and oil – providing the essential products that make modern life possible while keeping our workers and nearby communities safe.

Safety is and will always be the Industry’s primary focus, and the workers who serve on the frontlines of operations play an essential role in ensuring safe work practices and preventing workplace incidents.  Each worker at a worksite has a duty to work in a safe manner and must make safety a part of each and every task.

continuous efforts to improve the compatibility of operations with the environment

Companies in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical industry recognize their responsibility to work with the public, the government, and others to develop and to use natural resources in an environmentally sound manner while protecting the health and safety of our employees and the public.

To meet these responsibilities, members pledge to manage their businesses according to the following principles, using sound science to prioritize risks and to implement cost-effective management practices:

  • To recognize and to respond to community concerns about our raw materials, products and operations.
  • To operate our plants and facilities and handle our raw materials and products in a manner that protects the environment and the safety and health of our employees and the public.
  • To make safety, health and environmental considerations a priority in our planning and our development of new products and processes.
  • To advise promptly appropriate officials, employees, customers and the public of information on significant industry-related safety, health and environmental hazards, and to recommend protective measures.
  • To counsel customers, transporters and others in the safe use, transportation and disposal of our raw materials, products and waste materials.
  • To economically develop and produce natural resources and to conserve those resources by using energy efficiently.
  • To extend knowledge by conducting or supporting research on the safety, health and environmental effectiveness of our raw material, products, processes and waste materials.
  • To commit to reduce overall emission and waste generation.
  • To work with others to resolve problems created by handling and disposal of hazardous substances from our operations.
  • To participate with government and others in creating responsible laws, regulations and standards to safeguard the community, workplace and environment.
  • To promote these principles and practices by sharing experiences and offering assistance to others who produce, handle, use, transport or dispose of similar raw materials petroleum products and wastes.

Overview of OMS Framework

The Framework comprises two interdependent components:

  • Four Fundamentals focus attention on management principles that are arguably the most important for an effective OMS—Leadership, Risk Management, Continuous Improvement and Implementation.These principles are not sequential and they apply equally to every Element of the OMS to drive its success. Constant focus on each Fundamental will sustain the OMS, strengthening performance and effectiveness.
  • Ten Elements establish a structure to organise the various components of an OMS. Each of the ten Elements includes an overview, a purpose statement and a set of Expectations that define the system’s intended outcomes.Every Element requires the establishment and maintenance of appropriate documentation and records.

Improved Risk management

Identify potential incidents and implement controls and measures to keep risk as low as possible, protecting employees and customers from harm.

Reduced operating costs

Less down-time due to incidents and ill health and lower costs from legal fees and compensation means money saved.

Improved stakeholder relationships

Make the health and property of staff, customers and suppliers more of a priority and people will respond.

Legal Compliance

Understand how statutory and regulatory requirements impact your organization and its customers.

Operating Management System (OMS) Terminology

This guidance is broadly applicable
to management of different
operating aspects and risks. This includes occupational safety and health; environmental and social responsibility; and process safety, quality and security. The terminology used in the report and defined in the glossary is intended to be generic. Companies may still need to interpret and adapt it in some areas to broaden its applicability and to meet the scope of their system.


Step 1

Complete a Quote Request Form so that we can understand your company and requirements. You can do this by completing either the online quick quote or the online formal quote request form. We will use this information to accurately define your scope of assessment and provide you with a proposal for certification.


Step 2

Once you’ve agreed your proposal, we will contact you to book your assessment with an WECERT Assessor. This assessment consists of two mandatory visits that form the Initial Certification Audit. Please note that you must be able to demonstrate that your management system has been fully operational for a minimum of three months and has been subject to a management review and full cycle of internal audits.


Step 3

Following a successful two stage audit, a certification decision is made and if positive, then certification to the required standard is issued by WECERT. You will receive both a hard and soft copy of the certificate. Certification is valid for three years and is maintained through a programme of annual surveillance audits and a three yearly recertification audit.