ISO 14064
Greenhouse Gases Certification
Carbon footprinting is an assessment and reporting methodology that enables companies, buildings and cities to more accurately calculate carbon emissions and identify areas for improvement. We have extensive experience offering carbon footprint verification (CFV) to standards that help organizations measure and report on their carbon footprint rigorously and transparently.
ISO 14064 greenhouse gas (GHG) validation and verification helps organizations highlight their climate change and sustainability credentials.
A growing number of organizations are looking to voluntarily monitor and report GHG emissions and better manage their carbon footprint. ISO 14064 provides a framework for GHG accounting and verification to organizations looking to quantify and reduce GHG emissions.
Issued in three parts, each serves a unique intent:
- Part 1 – Specifies principles and requirements at the organization level for quantification and reporting of GHG emissions and removals. It covers design, development, management, reporting and verification of an organization’s GHG inventory.
- Part 2 – Supports multiple GHG project types, so must adequately address offset carbon credits and innovative technology projects, as well as internal projects. The second part specifies principles and requirements, and provides guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of activities intended to cause GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements. It covers GHG project planning; identifying and selecting GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs relevant to the project and baseline scenario; monitoring, quantifying, documenting and reporting GHG project performance; and managing data quality.
- Part 3 – Specifies principles and requirements and guides those conducting or managing the validation and/or verification of GHG assertions. It can be applied to organizational or GHG project quantification, monitoring and reporting.
To future-proof the standard as far as possible, the ISO/TC 207/SC7 technical group continues to work closely with key bodies such as Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), World Resources Institute (WRI), The Gold Standard Foundation and other key parties.
Benefits of becoming certified
Verification against ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14064-2 highlights the veracity of your systems and processes to prove your GHG inventory, assertions and reports conform to the ISO 14064 standard; and are free from errors, omissions or misstatements.
Validation against ISO 14064-2, establishes the integrity of your project baseline, design plan and supporting assumptions to ensure you realize your projected GHG reductions.
Verification against ISO 14064-1 provides the necessary assurance of your carbon footprint declarations. Validation of GHG projects to ISO 14064-2 provides confidence that the GHG project, if implemented as planned, will help achieve the projected emission reductions. Verification of your GHG projects gives assurance to your stakeholders of the quantum of emission reductions achieved in a specified period.
Verification & Assessment
ISO 14064 has two phases. Validation involves a review of your project design data and documentation, with a validation opinion statement confirming you can deliver adequate GHG removals or emission reductions against the agreed criteria.
Verification ensures your reported climate change data and information is true, fair and reliable as supported by a rigorous management system.
An assurance statement is provided following completion of validation or verification to ISO 14064. The statement confirms the terms of engagement, provides a brief approach of the engagement, the level of assurance and materiality applied and finally provides an opinion. The assurance statement provides credibility to your GHG assertions and claims that they are free of errors, omissions and misstatements. Our assurance statement is recognised externally including recognition by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
What is ISO 14064?
To combat climate changes more effectively and better manage Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, organizations need to actively conduct reviews of their activities more frequently.
ISO 14064 is an addition to the ISO 14000 family of international environmental management standards. Governments and industries can utilize these standards to reduce GHG emissions, manage carbon footprints and facilitate emissions trading.